Monday, August 27, 2007

Settling In

So things seem like they are improving.

Last night I went to dinner with Meg and Diana. It was fun, but expensive. The dollar value needs to rise. I definitely cannot afford to go out to dinner often. That means I'll be eating lots of cereal and PB&J (actually strawberry jam instead of J because I couldn't find the jelly), which is fine with me because I like those options. But I figured I could treat myself on my first night.

Today, I woke up at 8, read for an hour, and then slept until 11. We had a flat meeting at 11:30. After the meeting, I went grocery shopping at Sainsbury's and then to the drugstore (Boot's) to run some errands. And afterwards, I walked down High Street (basically London's Newbury Street) and looked at the different shops. I didn't see anything I particularly loved, but I'll be keeping an eye out.

When I came back, I asked the security guard about our broken toilet and he said he'd take a look at it. He fiddled around with it for awhile, but I don't think he really fixed it. He said the maintenance person will be back tomorrow. And I filed an online report, so the maintenance guy should fix it tomorrow.

When I was going back to my room I heard noises down the hall, so I stopped into a room where a bunch of girls were and they invited me in. We introduced ourselves and talked for awhile. Some of them were going out to dinner, and I didn't want to, so I went back to my room. My roommate talked to me and invited me out with her friends, but I decided to spend the night in. We have a fire drill tomorrow morning at 8:45, and I'm still not sure if I've recovered from jet lag.

So I had some PB&J and talked to Jess, Molly, Maureen, Dianne, Steven, Aisha, and Ashwini. But don't worry; I'm not going to spend every night online. I'll start experiencing London night life soon.

I'm considering signing up for the London bike tour on Saturday. It might be fun, but it might be tiring. At least I'd get good exercise and see the sites. We'll see how I feel about it on Friday.

Tomorrow my orientation begins. We have to go to different lectures all day-- I hope it's not boring! Good night!

1 comment:

John and Pat said...

Hi Val,
Glad to hear you arrived safely and are settling in. I remember Boots from our travels, like a big CVS only with a lot of make-up! We'll live vicariously through your blog and enjoy the sights of London again. There certainly is a lot to do and see there. The Underground makes getting around easy, although you feel like you are traveling to the center of the earth it goes down so far. Enjoy the experience, it will go by very quickly. Love, John and Pat