Saturday, September 22, 2007


So all the rumors that I heard about abroad programs' academic being a breeze were inaccurate. I have so much work to do over the next two weeks. I've already passed in a paper and a test and read a book. I've finished a 1000-word editorial and a 600 word take-home test. I still have to write a 2000-word paper and a 1000-word article and finish reading 2 books. I know I'll get it all done, but I'd rather have more time to explore and travel.

Today Katie and I went to the Museum of Natural History. It's close to our dorm and it was pretty cool. They had a huge dinosaur exhibit. And we saw a model of a blue whale, which was huge. The museum was pretty crowded because its a Saturday.

Tomorrow I'm going to do homework in the morning and then go to Buckingham Palace for a tour and then take the Harry Potter walking tour. I'm excited!

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