Friday, December 14, 2007

Last Week in London

On Tuesday, I picked up my portfolio (A- yay!) and then met up with Diana for fish and chips at a pub. It was really tasty. I spent the rest of the day finishing my paper, and then I went out to Gardening Club with Stacy, Meg, and Diana that night. We had a fun time.

I spent Wednesday sleeping in and studying (or pretending to study) for my exam that was on Thursday. I helped Diana carry a box to the post office, but other than that, the day was uneventful.

Yesterday, I studied for a few hours at Harrington Gardens before taking my exam from 1 - 3. Then I was officially finished with the semester. Yikes. Afterwards, I packed one suitcase and then hung out with Katie, Meg, Stacy, Michelle, Diana, Alli, Steve and Nate for a few hours. Later, a group of us went out to O'Neill's for the last time. :-(. Saying some good-byes was sad. I'm not looking forward to more good-byes tonight/tomorrow.

Today I did some last minute souvenir shopping at Piccadilly, had a mini-meltdown when I thought my suitcase was broken, and finished up packing (for the most part). I'm checking out of my room tomorrow at 10:30am and Meg and I are taking a car to the airport. My flight is at 3pm and it's scheduled to land at 5:45pm. Nice. It's a 7.5 hour flight. I'm hoping that I won't be too jet-lagged, and I've heard it's easier going back the US than coming to the UK.

So my semester is pretty much over. Weird.

Reflections post to follow.

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