Friday, August 31, 2007

Boat Trip on the Thames

Last night, I (along with probably everyone else in the BU program) went to the Welcome Party at Bunker Bar. I went with Diana, Katie, and Meg. We got lost getting there because there was a map on our ticket, and we headed to the X on the map, not the arrow. The X apparently marked a church lol. Once we found the place, it was extremely crowded. It was kind of weird at first because I didn't know anyone, except the girls I went with. But soon we all ran into people we knew and made new friends, so it was a good time. We were all given vouchers for 3 drinks of either wine or beer, but some of us were cheated out of our last drink. The sign on the bar said they stopped serving BU drinks at 11:30pm, but when I went up at 11:15pm, the bartender told me it was over. So that was kind of annoying, but whatever. I left the bar with Meg, Katie and some of our new friends, and we all went to club nearby, The Gardening Club. Girls got in for free, which was nice. It was a fun night.

I, of course, blinked in the one picture I have from last night. Boo.

Today, I had to get up at 9am today because I had to meet with the EUSA representative who is setting up an interview for my internship. It was a completely pointless meeting: she hadn't set up the time yet, so she gave me a paper telling me how to act at the interview (ie dress nicely, have a firm handshake, etc.) and told me she was working on the interview and she'd email me when she worked it out.

I came back to my room and slept for a little bit and then I went to a program they were having downstairs in my dorm. There were tables set up for different things to do this semester: volunteer work, traveling, clubs from a nearby college, etc. I got some travel brochures and then got ready for the boat cruise on the Thames.

The boat trip was great! It was my first time in the City of London (not in a borough) and we had great views of all the sites. The weather was nice, too -- comfortable and partly sunny.

Big Ben! It was so exciting to see this in person. I remember in second grade computer class, we had to write something about our favorite monument and I picked Big Ben. Yay!
The Thames. The water looks so gross. The tour guide (aka one of the BU professors) said that Londoners pull 40 - 50 dead bodies out of the River per year. Yuck.
Meg, Katie, and Katie. So far, I've met at least 6 Kates/Katies here.
Parliament. This is attached to Big Ben and the structure is breathtaking.

Big Ben again.Tate Museum of Modern Art
Nate and Katie.

Canary Wharf. The center of journalism!

Cool building.

The London Eye!

London's City Hall
Tower Bridge (I think?)
A sideways shot from underneath Tower Bridge

(I tried to take a picture of London Bridge, but people's head's got in the way. :-( Also, it is not at all impressive. It's concrete and really boring and blah. And apparently, when the original London Bridge did fall down, it was a good event because another people were about to invade London, but because the bridge fell, they had no access to the city.)

After the boat trip, we walked around London some.
Big Ben/Parliament from land

Jason, Katie, Nate, me, and Meg

The London Eye behind some buildings.

A park in London. It was so pretty!
Pelicans on the rock in the park.

Typical red London telephone booth.
A museum
Another side of the museum.

So it was a fun day, and I'm planning to go to bed fairly early tonight because I'm going to Windsor Castle tomorrow. Good night!


Kimber M. said...

These are such beautiful pictures and I'm so jealous! I'm glad you're having a great time - now get to work :-)

I've officially moved into BU so it's quite surreal.

Paula said...

Hi Val,
The Thames is dirty but so was the Charles. -- "Love that dirty water. Boston you're my home."(an old song). However I don't think there were dead bodies in the Charles. Perhaps your guide was making a joke-- I hope. Tower bridge is amazing. The pictures make us feel like we are there. Good reporting. Love, Mom & Dad