Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm Here

I made it. I'm alive. And I'm actually almost moved in. I'm kinda proud of myself for figuring out where to go. Granted, half the time I followed the crowd... but still. Considering that I hadn't been on an airplane in over 4 years and I'd never traveled alone before, I think I did pretty well. I didn't cry too much, either.

The flight was good. Virgin Atlantic is a sweet airline. They had On-Demand movies and TV shows and radio stations and books (but the books were lame). I slept for about two hours and I talked to the girl next to me, Becca. She was nice. I hope I run into her again. I watched an episode of Arrested Development and an episode of 30 Rock, and I read the book Lisa gave me. For dinner, I had chicken, rice, green beans, a roll, a salad, a piece of cheesecake, water, and white wine. For breakfast (3 hours later lol), I had a packaged muffin and some tea. The food was surprisingly tasty.

Getting through customs took awhile, but luckily I was in the front 1/5 of the BU line. I got the stamp I needed without any trouble. The officer was quite friendly, too. Then I split a cab with a girl whom I met in line, Rose. I originally had discussed splitting a cab on facebook with Margaret, so after Rose and I got our luggage, we waited for Margaret so we could all share a cab. But Margaret had found her own friend with whom to share a cab, and 4 people would not fit into one cab. So Rose and I went in one cab and Margaret and her friend went in another.

We paid 55 pounds total for the cab ride. We gave the guy a nice tip because he lifted all our luggage -- probably over 200 pounds-- and he did a good job getting us here.

My room is nice. The windows face the street, so I have a nice view of the buildings across the street, which are pretty. There are no screens in the windows, which is kinda weird. It was blazing hot when I walked into the room, so I opened the windows and (fortunately) found a fan in the wardrobe. I also found an extra power strip. And there's one power strip already by my bed. We have a fridge in our room and we have a private bathroom. And my cell phone was waiting for me on my bed. It is tiny and cute and has tons of features -- conversion, calculator, games, alarm. I'm very happy with my choice. Nokia has come a long way since the giant, heavy blue phones.

I'm in the process of unpacking. I kinda freaked when I saw the lack of a bureau, but there is a wardrobe with two shelves and two drawers and my bed has two drawers and two shelves as well. So my clothes fit perfectly. I wish I had some sort of nightstand for the odds and ends I have, but I will survive without it. I can't find my nail clipper, though, and that's kind of annoying me.

I also need to shop for food. Like probably today. If I want to eat.

OK I'm going to finish unpacking. Bye.


Paula said...

Sounds great!! We are proud of you also. They must not have any bugs or mosquitoes in England since there are no screens in the windows. Get some English muffins and some chip(French fries) and a spot of tea. I don't know what they eat for protein. Hope you get a good night sleep. Let us know the house phone number and your cell(we promise not to call every minute). Have a great evening we will check the blog daily. Love, Mom & Dad

Kimber M. said...

Your mom has the right idea. I hear the English breakfast is like a feast. Stay away from black pudding though.

If you need an internship btw, a friend of mine worked at a non-profit PR firm and he enjoyed it immensely so let me know through email.

Much Love!!

Ed Jones said...

sounds exciting val. hope that your travels continue to go well. things are crazy hot down in the dirty district. hope the weather's a little cooler across the pond

Mom2356 said...

Hi Val,

Glad to here that you made it to London in one piece. We hope you enjoy your stay in England and have many stories and pictures about your travels when you get home. Love, Geraldine

Unknown said...

Hey Val! Glad you made it safely. Flying alone can be kind of scary. Especially when you get sick on the plane, then it's scary and embarassing(i did that) Hope you're enjoying the book. i started school today. 15 more weeks and i'm done. Have a great time. write often and put up pictures too.
