Saturday, August 25, 2007

Last Night in the USA

Tonight is my last night in the USA for over three months. I'm nervous to travel to England, but excited at the same time.

The passport agency gave me a great and extended good-bye party. Some of my coworkers took me and my dad out to dinner on Wednesday. We went to my supervisor's favorite Mexican restaurant and a mariachi band serenaded me. It was fun and the food was delicious.

Today, Ashley brought in bagels, Sarah baked brownies, and Kathleen provided fruit, cookies, and a cake that said "Good Luck, Valerie!" How sweet! I ate sooo much and it was delicious. I was sad to leave; there were a lot of hugs and everyone wished me well. It wasn't too sad though, because I will probably be returning to work there in December. But still, I will miss everyone and they said they'd miss me, too. I had a lot of fun with my coworkers.

Here are some pictures from the restaurant (I hope this works!):

The Mariachi band (Kathleen liked the guitarist hahah!)

The whole group: Pat, me, Dad, Kathleen, Magda, Melody, Ashley, Rachel. I miss them already!

Now that I'm sharing pictures, I may as well post some from the day we went to get a family picture. Even though we were getting professional pictures done, my mother still wanted some pictures with our digital camera. My brother and I were kind of annoyed because posing for pictures gets tedious after awhile and we knew we'd be sitting in the studio attempting to hold a smile for a half hour. Also, my dad takes forever to take a picture; he always waits until the exact moment when you ask him what's wrong with the camera or tell him to hurry up already, and then you get a lovely picture like this:

Or this:

But then you finally get a halfway decent one; unfortunately, it's only HALFWAY decent because by that time you are so fed up with pictures that you can't even force yourself to smile nicely:

Oh and did I mention that the sun was blinding? Especially for me and my gigantic pupils.

The professional ones came out much better.

Anyway, I'm almost done packing. These space bags are marvelous; they even allow me room for a good amount of toiletries. Maureen and Dianne came over tonight and helped me pack. They kept me in line and gave me good advice. Then we had pizza and cake, except I was so full that I couldn't eat any cake.

I still can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow. It seems surreal. I'm going to go get a good night's sleep and then wake up, finish packing, run some last minute errands, and just chill out (as best as I can) until it's time to head to the airport.

Happy weekend, everyone!


Kimber M. said...

The Jones go to the portrait studio. So cute and very nice photos.

Kimber M. said...

That was Kim btw

Molly said...

Heyy.. I know how weird the whole moving-to-another-continent process feels, but I bet you'll stop freaking out almost as soon as you land. and at least you speak the language. have fun! good luck! =)

Aisha Nicole said...

Bring me back some Cadbury chocolate! HEY! I'll be in the UK on Wednesday!!!!!!

The UK in Epcot :-)

I hope your flight is the best one ever! I took a Delta flight last year and the tvs they have were so entertaining I didn't wanna get off the plane lol! Ok I'm done.

Aisha Nicole Milton

winniechili said...

VAL! I'm gonna miss you. Somehow I was stupid and didn't think you were leaving for a few more days. :(

Ryan's England Travels said...


You are going to have an awesome time over there! Take plenty of photos. The blog already looks great!!

Unknown said...

Dear Val,

Unknown said...

what i meant by that is...

have an amazing time and take advantage of every opportunity you have!!! YOU'LL HAVE SO MUCH FUN AND IM WICKED JEALOUS!

Paula said...

Val- Miss you already(good thing I have those Pictures!!!)
Your plane should be taking off about now. Enjoy the flight. You have a window seat to see Big Ben as you approach London. E-mail us when you arrive. Have a great time. See you in October. Ttyltr Love, Mom