Thursday, August 30, 2007


Here are some pictures of my room:

Above is my side of the room. There's also a window to the left of my computer.

This is Kate's side of the room.

The view out my window.

The view out my window from another angle.
The view out my window from yet another angle. I like our view.

A random picture of part of Heathrow that I took from the backseat of the taxi. I posted this rather belatedly; sorry.

Orientation's been OK. We had about 6 lectures (each an hour long) about the history, economy, government, culture, etc. of Great Britain (from now on known as GB). We also had a few talks about student life orientation and academic orientation and internship orientation. And our core class met for 4 hours yesterday. (My professor showed us "An Inconvenient Truth" for the last 1 1/2 hours of class, so that was a nice break.) All of our classes are 4 hours long; I think I might die. (Kidding.)

The night before last, I went out with Diana, Liz, Meg, Katie, and Becca to a club called The Zoo. It was fun. Tonight, I'm going to the BU Welcome Party at Bunker Bar. Tomorrow, I have a meeting with my internship advisor in the morning and I'm going on a mandatory boat tour in the afternoon (which I'm excited about). The boat tour will be my first time seeing downtown London. On Saturday, I'm going on a daytrip to Windsor Castle with the BU Social Programme. Sunday's plans are still up in the air, but I'm thinking of maybe going to a market and/or the Indian festival my journalism professor was talking about.


Mom2356 said...

Hi Val,

Uncle Rob & I were looking at your blog this morning. The view from your room looks GREAT!!! It sounds like you'll be busy for the next few days but having FUN!! at the same time. Have a great time in GB. See you in December. Love, Geradine & Rob

Unknown said...

hey Val,
i envy your view. it's beautiful. Evert and i are getting our own place in Oct. so i'll send you pictures. Glad to hear your having fun. Don't forget to find a cute guy to snog at one of the clubs. lol

Ryan's England Travels said...

Sounds like things are going well!!

By the way...I love how you are doing this blog...I'm going to be checking it out religiously!