Monday, September 24, 2007

More Pictures from Ireland

Nate and me in the Dungeon of Blarney Castle

Katie, me, Diana, and Nate at the top of Blarney Castle

Kissing the Blarney Stone!
Me in Blarney Castle

Meg, Diana, and me at the Guinness Factory

Diana, me, and Katie at an Irish pub

Me, Meg, and Diana in front of Dublin Bay

Nate, me, Katie, and Diana in front of Dublin Bay

Me, Meg, and Diana on the Lawn of Malahide Castle

Everyone in front of Malahide Castle. (It was very bright.)

In another Irish pub

Me in Kilmainham Gaol (Jail)


Kimber M. said...

Beautiful photos!!!! I'm glad you kissed that stone.

Paula said...

You look guilty in Jail. Glad you got released to continue your studies.

Unknown said...

i love the spellman jacket