Tuesday, September 11, 2007


OK so my last post was a little over the top. I tend to stress out easily. We booked our flights without major problems, and now we just have to look into hostels/cheap hotels. And my friend Lara said that traveling on the Italian railway system is relaxing and convenient because you can buy your tickets the day of. And she recommended the hotels she stayed in; plus, I found nice hostels in Barcelona. So I've calmed down a lot from the initial craziness.

I think I'm going to turn down the internship. Even though it's a great opportunity, I cannot bear to give up my Saturdays. I still have so much of London to explore, and I might like to travel more. The internship would restrict me too much. Plus, it's EUSA's job to find me a mutually agreeable internship. So I'm going to email Kate and hope that she finds me another interview.

I'm going to Ireland on Thursday night! I'm excited!

Today I had a completely normal day. As in, I could have had this day in the US. It's so weird to be actually living here. Sometimes I forget that I'm in another country. I went grocery shopping and dropped off my laundry (it's cheaper and more convenient that way because they put it in the big machine, rather than me doing 2 loads on my own) and went to class. I came home and had dinner, and now I'm about to start doing some reading. Oh, and by the way, I made a real dinner (i.e. not pasta/a sandwich) by myself for the first time and it was amazing. Probably because I've been living off pasta and sandwiches, but it was the best barbecue sauce-marinated chicken and carrots I've ever had.

And now I should go do reading. Because I just realized that after this week, 4/9 of my current classes are done. And I have finals in less than a month.


Molly said...

i retract my previous comment. that internship sucks.

Ryan's England Travels said...


Regarding your Sunday Times internship...I leave you with a couple Enigma lyrics...I know you must miss my Engima references :)

"I need space for my desires
Have to dive into my fantasies"

"You're lost in the middle cause you have to decide between mind & heart. Between mind & heart.
Heart is the engine of your body but brain is the engine of life"