Wednesday, September 26, 2007

One Month

Today marks the one-month anniversary of my arrival in London. I can't believe I've been here for so long; the semester is flying by.

In other news, I've developed an obsession with English cookies, especially Hobnobs.

Hobnobs: the most delicious cookie ever

The ginger snaps are also really tasty. Anyone who knows me knows of my weak spot for cookies, and now hobnobs are my Achilles heel.

I checked my mail today and I had 3 letters! It was great! They sort our letters into mailboxes by last name, and I was the only person with the last name beginning with J to get mail. Thanks Hailly, Auntie Ellen, Nana and Papa! Mail is fun.

Well, next week I have a paper, an article, and 2 finals, so it's crunch time until then! I can't wait until next Friday at 5:00; then I will be free! We will spend 9 days in Italy and Spain and I will return home and start my 1 class and internship and then I will see my parents. (And I just found out that the IR class I'm taking this semester counts toward my minor, so I only need to take 3 classes next semester to graduate. Score!) I'm excited!

Oh, and Diana's computer died last week and she had to get a new one, so she just posted more Ireland pictures. Here are some pictures I stole from her.

Katie and me in front of the river and St. John's Castle (far right)

Me, Diana, and Meg at the Jameson Distillery

Just chilling on Malahide Castle Lawn

I own this castle.
(Well ok maybe not.)

Cheers! At Guinness Factory

Me, Katie, and Diana at the Guinness Factory Tour

In front of the Guinness Factory

hahaha. Katie and me in the stocks in the basement of the cathedral.

Me and Diana at Trinity College after the Book of Kells tour

OK back to work!


Unknown said...

Wow! A whole month already? It seems like last week i was mailing your book out to you. I don't know where this month has gone either. Glad you're having fun and Ireland looks beautiful.

Kimber M. said...

DO those cookies have caramel in them too? I think I've had them before and I LOVEEEE them. Please import them home!

Lara said...

HOBNOBS!!! Put peanut butter on them too. And bring back a few bags :-) Hope you're having fun!

Paula said...

You can thank me for the cookie loving gene. I'll have to see if Dad can make Hobnobs. I'll google the recipe. Continue your research on English snacks so you can let Dad and I know what is the best snack.
I have to admit you look right at home at these castles. You could be Lady Valerie. - Bye for now. Love, Mom