Saturday, September 29, 2007

Under Control

So I think my homework situation is under control, which is a relief. I finished my 2000 word paper and my 1000 word article and a book. So, I just have another book to read and 2 finals to take, and that's it! It's weird to think this, but in exactly a week, I will be heading to the airport to go to Rome. All our hotels are booked, so we are set to go. :-)

Tomorrow I am going with the BU Social Programme to Leeds and Canterbury. I was planning to go to the Tower of London with Diana, but it's going to rain and Diana has a lot of work to do, so we decided not to go. Then I found out that one of my friends' had her purse stolen, and she had a ticket for the trip but she has to deal with everything you have to deal with when you lose your purse, so she was skipping the trip. I figured that since I had nothing to do, I may as well buy her ticket; that way, she doesn't lose any money, and I have something to do tomorrow. So I bought the ticket and I will be off to the set of Chaucer's short stories. (I hated Chaucer's stories, but probably mostly because we were taught them by Mrs. Anderson, who loved to give me Bs and B-s.)

Well I should head to bed because I'm getting an early start tomorrow. Good night!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Enjoy your trip and the short stories. I'll give you an A+++ for participation and a great Blog. Love, Mom