Thursday, December 6, 2007

Cinderella Pantomime

On Tuesday night, I went to see the Cinderella Pantomime at the Old Vic Theatre.

It was a great play -- very funny. The show was for both kids and adults, as the kids could enjoy it at one level, while the adults understood the inappropriate jokes. This made me want to go see more pantomimes!

Today I called in sick to work. Yesterday afternoon, I started feeling woozy and shivery at work, and I almost asked to leave early. When I went to bed last night, I was shivering like crazy and this morning I vomited. So I spent today eating next to nothing, sleeping, and using a cold washcloth and ibuprofen to try to bring down my fever. About an hour ago, a reporter from The Sunday Times called me to assign me a mission first thing tomorrow morning. He knew I was sick, too. I told him I didn't know whether I would be in tomorrow, so he decided to give someone else the job. I am still not feeling well, but I have to leave for Paris tomorrow night, so I will need all the rest I can get. I hope I am feeling better before I leave for Paris because I would like to enjoy my weekend in France.


Geraldine said...

Hi Val,

Sorry to see that you are not feeling well. Hope you'll be feeling better soon. Remember to try Gingerale that helps sometimes. The picture of the Cinderella Slipper was great. I can't wait to see the pictures of Paris. Love, Aunt Geraldine

myneighborkevin said...

oh man you have to get better soon although it may be harder without me there =) get better soon and go live up Paris. Can't wait till you come home.

I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!