Monday, October 15, 2007

Fall Break 2007: Part IV: Venice

After a peaceful train ride, we arrived in Venice around 5:30 on Wednesday. We took a water boat to the Bed and Breakfast Venezia. The woman who ran it only spoke Italian, but had an employee Roberto who spoke English. Roberto wasn't there when we checked in, but Diana translated what the woman told us. Our room was very nice and clean. We walked around Venice, which is beautiful and looked in some shops.

On Thursday, we did some hardcore souvenir shopping. I got earrings and a necklace made of Venetian glass and picked up some Christmas presents. Venetian glass is beautiful! We only had time for lunch before we had to make our way to the airport. The downside of booking with RyanAir (a discount airline) is that the airports they fly to are nowhere near the city centers. They do provide transportation to the airports, but it takes awhile to get there. To get to the Venice airport Treviso, we had to take a 40-minute train ride and a half-hour bus ride.

Venice was great, and I almost wish we had more time there; however, there wasn't much to do, so we probably would have gotten bored easily. I would love to return to Venice when I'm older and in need of a relaxing, romantic vacation.

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