Thursday, October 4, 2007

It's Almost Break!

Tomorrow I have a take home test that I pick up at 9am and drop it off at 5pm. My professor basically told us that he expects us to spend the whole time working on it. So I figured that 8 hours is enough time to spend on a final, and there's no way I can study for it. Thus, I spent today at the Tate Museum of Modern Art.

Tate Modern

Some exhibits were really interesting, and I saw works by the likes of Picasso, Monet, and Andy Warhol. Others, however, were not as impressive. I mean, since when is a giant group of mattresses with a faded map on them art? And I don't think that a plain gray canvas is very creative. So I saw the full spectrum of modern art.

I also stopped by St. Paul's and took some pictures. I wasn't in the mood for a tour of another cathedral, so I wandered around the grounds and briefly checked out the inside.

Millennium Bridge (Between St. Paul's and Tate Modern)


Close-up of Statue

St. Paul's

St. Paul's

And here are some pictures from Saturday night. Steve and Meg and I went to O'Neill's and the first song the band played was "Valerie" by the Zutons, which was pretty exciting. The band was great and we had a good time.

Meg & Steve

Me & Meg

Steve & Me

So after my final tomorrow, I will finish packing (my roommate has graciously offered to lend me her big backpack for the trip so that I don't have to check luggage), eat, shower, and go directly to bed. I will wake up around 1:30am and drag myself to the airport for our 6:30am flight. The upside is that we'll be in Rome by 10am. Yay!

So I don't get back until really, really late on Sunday October 14, and I may not update again until then. But I'm sure when I get back I will have tons of stories and pictures to share!