Monday, October 29, 2007

Lazy Mornings

Yesterday was Sunday, but it felt like a Saturday to me because it was the start of my weekend (ie no internship). We turned the clocks back an hour on Saturday night, so for the next week, London is only 4 hours ahead of the US, rather than 5. Next week, the US will turn its clocks back, and things will be back to normal. I don't like the turning back of the clocks because now it will be getting dark so early in the evenings. I know that happens in Boston, but it always gives me more sunlight in the morning, whereas here, the sun was already up when I woke up. So I'm not a fan of London daylight savings.

Yesterday I had to register for next semester's classes at 9am Eastern Standard Time (and it was rather confusing -- with the daylight savings time -- to figure out what London time I would register). So I had to be at my computer at 1pm. I slept in late and puttered around. After I registered, I tried to take a shower, but the water was cold. So I waited a few hours and got a hot shower around 3. I went to see an Italian film in the London Film Festival at 6:30. It was called "My Brother is an Only Child." It was about Italy in the 1960s, fascism vs. communism within a family and community. It was OK, but I think some of it went over my head, either because of the language/cultural barrier, or because I don't know enough about that time period in Italy. I liked "A Secret" better. On Wednesday (Halloween), I am going to another film. So I will not be dressing up or going out for Halloween. It's probably better that way because I have my internship the next morning.

Today I slept in and was woken up (as I am every Monday morning) by a testing of the fire alarm system. It is a joyous way to wake, let me tell you. God forbid there ever was a fire on a Monday morning -- no one would get out of bed for it.

Tomorrow is the day our boiler is supposed to be fixed and I am so excited for hot water anytime! I think I might go to Harrod's tomorrow. I also need to drop off my laundry. I've gone almost 4 weeks without doing laundry -- a new record. If I play my cards right, I'll only have to do laundry twice more in London.

OK well I think that's about all that's going on here. Yay Red Sox!

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