Friday, November 2, 2007

Roller Coaster

So this week has been very interesting. I had a bad day on Wednesday and was feeling sad and homesick. It was one of those days when everything goes wrong; I had a rough time at my internship, and the tube was delayed by 45 minutes, and I got lost and missed the movie I was supposed to see, and then came home and all my friends were out at a Halloween party that I would have gone to if I had not had the film ticket. And our boiler was fixed that day but I didn't have a hot shower until that night after all the chaos. OK so that doesn't sound so bad now, but it was just a horrible day.

Yesterday was a little better -- I actually did work at my internship and felt useful. And nothing went horribly wrong.

Today was much better. I did work at my internship and then after work I went out to a pub with a few of my coworkers. It was Helen's last day, which is very sad because she was pretty much my only friend at the Sunday Times. But I hung out with Mary and Rashid tonight so maybe they will be my friends now, too. And then I came home and Law and Order was on TV. Life is great.

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