Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Changing of the Guard

This morning I went to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. It was quite the ceremony. I didn't expect it to be as formal and long as it was. I got there 40 minutes early, and there was already a crowd outside of the gates, so I stood on the steps of the fountain to get a better view.

Pre-ceremony pictures:

Buckingham Palace

Policeman with funny hat outside Buckingham Palace

The original guard (gray coats, fairly normal hats)

The ceremony began in parade-fashion, with the new guards marching in while playing instruments.
The new guards had tall, furry black hats

Another picture of the new guards

Some more of the old guards marched in.

Some more guards trotted in on horseback.

Then there was a long ceremony behind the gates of Buckingham Palace. The old guards and the new guards faced each other for awhile, and the commanding officers yelled out commands. Then the guards broke out their musical instruments and played a lot of different songs, including the Star Wars theme song (funny). Of course, in the middle of the songs, Mother Nature decided to hate me. It started pouring and I had forgotten my umbrella (oops). Luckily, I was wearing my red eskimo coat and I was able to put up my hood and stay mostly warm.

The guards marching out (the rain had let up at this point)

The guard has officially changed!

I'm really glad I got to see the changing of the guard and that I stayed until the very end. It was a surprisingly fun sight. I would recommend bringing an umbrella, though.

1 comment:

Molly said...

I had no idea the changing of the guard was such a production. i knew they pranced around and stuff, but the star wars theme?