Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Catching Up

This past week was pretty unexciting. On Saturday night, I went out to O'Neill's with Meg and Diana. After that, I spent the rest of my weekend catching up on sleep, running errands, and working on my portfolio. The portfolio is 40 pages long and it's due next Monday. It should include: an introduction, daily journal entries, field research, and a conclusion. I'm done with the introduction, and I have been keeping up with my daily entries and my field research. I've started writing the conclusion and I have 5 - 9 more pages to write. I will be happy when I'm done with this portfolio -- but then I will have to concentrate on the 10-page paper due on December 13.

But, what is exciting is that my friends and I are planning to have Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday night. We made a shopping list and we're going grocery shopping tonight. Tomorrow night we will prepare most things, and Liz has 2 friends coming to visit on Thursday, so they offered to come over early and get dinner ready so that it's almost done by 7, when Liz and I get home from our internships.

Last night, Liz got hit by a car. She's ok now; she was just shaken up. She doesn't really remember the details of what happened; she was crossing the street and the next thing she knew, a black cab hit her. Her hip broke the headlight and she was knocked over, but she got right back up. The cab driver and people who saw it happened stopped to help and made her wait for an ambulance. The EMTs checked her out and said she was fine and sent her home. She filled out paperwork, too, just in case she doesn't feel fine later. It was really scary and it served as a wake-up call for us because we cross streets every day and should be more aware of our surroundings. I'm just glad that she's ok.


Maryann Calnan said...

Hello Val,
Sure hope you enjoyed our American tradition of Thanksgiving with your friends. Sounds like you had it all planned well.
Your parents and Ed must have missed having you home but your are experiencing a great time.
The pictures on this blog are wonderful -- feel as though I am there too LOL
Keep safe (crossing those streets) and be well in all ways.
Maryann C

Maryann Calnan said...

Hello Val,
Sure hope you enjoyed our American tradition of Thanksgiving with your friends. Sounds like you had it all planned well.
Your parents and Ed must have missed having you home but your are experiencing a great time.
The pictures on this blog are wonderful -- feel as though I am there too LOL
Keep safe (crossing those streets) and be well in all ways.
Maryann C