Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday Night

So the past 2 days, I was actually given something to work on -- however, both days it was given to me late in the afternoon, and so I got out of work late. Yesterday I finished at 6:30, but today I didn't leave the office until 7:48. I had been doing number-crunching/data analysis for 5 hours and was practically delirious by the time I left. I mean, I'm happy I made a contribution and had actual work to do, but I sat at my desk for hours being bored, and then had to stay late. Couldn't they spread my assignments out better?

Being on a Sunday paper is hard because during the week, sometimes your stories get taken by dailies and then you have to come up with new stories and start from scratch. Hence, a lot of work is wasted and a lot of Fridays and Saturdays involve tons of work. I never would want to work on a Sunday paper again. And if all papers are like this, then maybe I'm in the wrong field. I'd rather find this out now than later.

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