Friday, October 5, 2007

Halfway There!

I finished my finals. Yay!

Today's final was not as bad as I was expecting -- but I still have to see how he grades it. I picked it up at 9am and went straight to the computer lab and worked on it for 3.5 hours. I passed it in around 12:50pm, and I was the second person (in a class of 17) to pass it in. That made me a little nervous, but then I ran into Stacy who was passing hers in right as I left, and I talked to Jackie afterwards and she said she finished around 11 and then just hung around for 3 hours before she passed it in. I have a feeling that a lot of people took it home and procrastinated while taking it.

I'm really happy that finals are over and I survived the first part of the semester. I always think it's funny how at the beginning of the semester, when I first get my class syllabuses, I look at them and think Oh gosh, how am I ever going to get this much work done in such a short time period?. And then the end of the semester comes, and I find that, yes, I actually did get it done, and it wasn't too bad. It's a great feeling of accomplishment.

Now my bags are packed and I'm ready to go, but our flight isn't until 6:30am tomorrow. We have to leave here at 2am. I tried to go to bed at 6pm, but I only slept for an hour because my body doesn't want to sleep now. Maybe I can sleep in the airport or on the plane. Oh, and the fire alarm went off about an hour ago because some people don't know how to wave smoke away from the fire detector when they are cooking.

OK I think I'm going to try to sleep some more. Good night.


Paula said...

Hi Val,
I'm glad your finals are over. Sounds like the people you live with cook like I do. Even I know to how to take a newspaper and fan the smoke away from the smoke detector.
By now, you should be in Rome. Give my regards to the Pope. Throw some coins in the fountains. Be careful and have fun! Dad and I will see you soon. Love, Mom

Unknown said...
