Friday, October 19, 2007

Life as an Intern

So things at my internship got better after the first day. Reporters have started asking me to do research for them (usually very tedious/menial/boring tasks, but that's better than nothing at all or being asked to get coffee). I still find that I have a good 2 - 3 hours of downtime everyday, during which I read the day's newspapers and try not to fall asleep at my desk. The office atmosphere is weird; it's so quiet all the time. I think people are afraid to talk. The highest-up editor is intimidating and likes to yell at people and humiliate them. So people try to stay on his good side. Everyone is either always busy or pretending to be busy. I was told by both Helen and Chris that on Tuesdays and Wednesdays it's acceptable to go out for lunch, but it's taboo to do so on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, because you should be busy, and if you're not, you at least should try to look busy. lol.

I'm having a lot of fun with my parents. We went to a pub for dinner on Wednesday night. We all had a drink together for the first time ever. And last night we saw Mary Poppins. I loved it. The sets were amazing and the music was great. The plot strayed from the movie, but it was still good. Tonight we went on a Jack the Ripper tour of London. It was ok, but I had heard amazing reviews, so I was expecting something more. It was fun for what it was, though.

I have to work tomorrow (Saturday) unfortunately. So I will have worked 5 days this week and gone to a 4-hour class one day. Yuck. Starting next week, I will have Tuesdays off. This is only fair because the BU program only requires us to work 4 days a week. Plus, Tuesdays are dead at the Sunday Times anyway, so it works out fine. Tomorrow is the Rugby World Cup: England v. South Africa. Although I've never seen a rugby game, I have done so much research on the World Cup in the past few days that I've picked up some of the rules and I've decided that I want to marry Jonny Wilkinson.

Now I must go off to bed. Working takes up my whole day. :-(


Maryann said...

My goodness, gracious, Val. You are truly having the experience of your life! It is so much fun reading your adventures in Europe. Isn't Italy wonderful? I was there in 1981... I love the tidbit about you and your parents having a drink together for the first time LOL They must be excited to see you AND London too. Give them my regards and be assured that we think of you often and list you in our prayers for your safety and general well-being. With affection, Maryann, Richard and David.

Molly said...

Hi Val!

See! I told you the internship would be fine! When you write something that gets published you'll post it, right? Or even just something you did the research for.
