Monday, October 1, 2007

London Weather Does Not Agree With Me

And I must have a horrible immune system because I've been here for just over a month, and this is the second time I'm sick. When I first arrived, I had a sore throat for literally 2 weeks. And as of yesterday, I've got a cold. The British cold medicine has NOTHING on Sudafed; I took some and still sneezed about 5x during class today and had to blow my nose like 10x. I swear, there's nothing more awkward in class than being the one who's blowing her nose every 5 seconds. Thank goodness today was my last class until after break. I've stocked up on orange juice, tissues, and vitamins and I'm drinking lots of tea.

I can't believe that the first part of the semester is almost over; it's gone by really fast! I still have 2 1/2 months here, though, so I have plenty of time to see more sites.

So I'm going to spend the rest of this week laying low, studying, and recuperating. (I know, very exciting haha.) I got "The World According to Garp" by John Irving (my favorite author) out of the library for when I have some down time.


Paula said...

Hi Val,
I think the weather is so damp it chills you to the bone. We can't wait to get there. So drink lots of tea and get plenty of rest before you start you're vacation. Love, Mom

Ryan's England Travels said...

Hope you feel better soon!!