Thursday, November 29, 2007


On Monday night, Katie, Meg, Diana, and I went to Absolut Ice Bar to celebrate the completion of our portfolios. It was quite fun. We wore hooded capes and gloves, so it wasn't cold. The drinks were tasty and came in a glass made of ice. The bar was made of ice and there were ice benches to sit on (but they had fur throws on top of them). We were only allowed to stay in the ice room for 40 minutes, so we spent our time taking pictures, waiting for our drinks, drinking, and then taking more pictures. Before we knew it, it was time to leave. Here are some pictures.

Me at Ice Bar

Meg, Katie, and Me at Ice Bar (my collar was quite high)

I forgot to turn on the flash and this one came out kinda cool. Meg looks like a ghost.

The Ice Bar

Meg pulling "A Christmas Story" move

Diana laughed mid-picture

The Menu



Meg and Katie


The glass made of ice (my lips melted away part of it)

The bar of ice

There was a picture of a fire playing on the TV

These guys put the capes on us at the beginning and pulled the capes off us at the end

Giant bubbles of holiday festivity on Oxford Street

My internship this week has been very difficult. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I filled in for Laila who is the News Desk Researcher (ie the editors' assistant). It was like starting a new job and very disconcerting. I had to arrive early and stay late, and the editors are not always the most friendly people because they are stressed out. Today I thought I would cover for Laila again, but instead an editor sent me to the news archive library to search for clippings over a 4 year span. I only got through 16 months and I did not find what I was looking for, so I have to go back again tomorrow. And I was so busy working today that I skipped lunch, so I was ravenous when I came home. Then I found out that our kitchen code-lock was broken and none of us can get into our kitchen because for some reason it will not unlock when we type in the code. So I waited for my friends to get home and we went to a pizzeria around the corner. (Apparently, Princess Diana ate there, too.)

I want to fast forward through tomorrow and go straight to the weekend because I have some fun plans! Stay posted...


Ryan's England Travels said...

Enjoy the rest of your time in London!! :)


Paula said...

Hi Val,
You look pretty in the Blue fur coat. I'm glad you enjoyed the bar and only stayed 40 minutes. I'm sure than you went home to bed. Love, Mom