Monday, November 26, 2007

Portfolio Finito!

So yesterday I finished and turned in my portfolio. 70 glorious pages devoted to my internship.

It actually wasn't too horrible. It definitely helped that I did it in pieces. And it was kinda fun to print out cover pages and organize it so it looked nice. Now, let's just hope I get a good grade on it. (Yesterday, while I was in the computer lab, I heard some kid say he was just starting his. So then I felt a lot better about mine, considering that I was at the time putting the finishing touches on it.)

Katie, Meg, Diana, and I are going out to Ice Bar to celebrate tonight. :-) I'm excited.

Then I have to get started on my 3,000 word paper due the last week we're here. Yuck.

I'm excited for the upcoming weekend because I have Saturday off! Laila (from The Sunday Times) is on vacation this week, so she asked me to come in on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to cover for her. That means I have to work slightly longer hours, but she also told me that it was up to me as to whether I came in on Friday and I shouldn't come in on Saturday. Score! So, on Saturday, I'm planning to go to a market with Katie in the morning and ice skating (!!) at the Museum of Natural History in the evening with Diana and Alli on one of the BU Programme Social Events. And then Sunday is Stonehenge, which I am so psyched for! That will actually be my last weekend in London because I'm going to Paris the next weekend. I'm only here for 3 more weeks, so I need to live it up! :-)

1 comment:

myneighborkevin said...

Congrats on finishing! You must be so excited for Paris - if you have any questions let me know. Do you have your hotel yet?

Miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!

- hails